Foundation docs Optimisation; Dose to Individual

Draft document: Foundation docs Optimisation; Dose to Individual
Submitted by Don Wismer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

-format and language understandable and logical, useful for regulatory application -p. 19(Table 3) deterministic single "best estimate" for environmental concentration data if derived from monitoring data should be based on representative sample that is sufficient size to capture the inherent variability (sampling error in space and time) and measurement error. [I did not see this point made in the paper] p. 22 (102) stakeholder guidelines should indicate level of participation of stakeholders in decision-making process. p.21 (100) and p. 22 (102) and for second paper on broadening the process you really need to specify the degree of citizen engagement in the decision-making process up front before you involve stakeholders so they know what they are buying into. There is a continuum from communication through consultation to engagement and partnership. [see p. 204 of Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation, May 10-14, 1999, Ottawa, Canada. J. Graham. "Consulting with Aboriginal Peoples: Towards Meaningful Partnerships". ]
